Mes susipažinę su labradoro retriveriais gana senai, bet įsigiję pirmąja kalytę Wiki, ji visam laikui pavergė visos mūsų šeimos širdis. Ir taip su jos atsiradimu pamažu mūsų hobis tapo ne tik maloniu pomėgiu, bet veikla, kuriai skiriame vis daugiau laiko. Su Wiki važinėdami po parodas pamatėme, kad rezultatai mus vis labiau džiugina ir tai dar labiau kurstė norą plėstis.Tad mūsų veikla buvo įteisinta Tarptautinėje Kinologų Draugijoje ( ir gavome labradorų retriverių veislyno statusą (FCI Nr./NO-46/17, veisėjo LT-77-42-005), kurį pavadinome "Burbonas''.
Šiuo metu mūsų veislyne gyvena penkios kalytės ir du patinai.
Labradoro retriveriai yra judrūs temperamentingi šunys - mėgstantys daug bėgioti, plaukioti ir bendrauti su šeimininku. Jie puikiai sutaria su kitais šunimis, įskaitant ir mažųjų veislių šuniukus, niekada nenuskriaus net katino. Lengvai prisitaiko naujoje aplinkoje, yra atsidavę šeimininkui ir labai jį mylintys. Labradoras - labai protingas ir greitai besimokantis, taikus šuo, kuris niekada nerodo agresijos ar pernelyg didelio drovumo, tad puikiai tinka šeimynoms su mažais vaikais. Šie šunys gali gyventi tiek patalpose, tiek lauko voljeruose. Pas mus jie apgyvendinti apšiltintose būdose lauke, ne po vieną, o kartu vieni su kitais. Nuolat, net ir žiemą, būdami lauke, jie įgauna labai gražų, tankų kailį. Šaltuoju metu pasirodydami parodose gauname daug pastebėjimų iš aplinkinių apie jų kailio išskirtinumą, į ką atkreipia dėmesį ne tik dalyviai, bet įvertina ir teisėjai.
Foto apačioje iš kairės Geisha 2,5 metai- nuotraukoje 50-ta nėštumo diena, Uodas -5 metai, Wiki -4,5 metai.
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We have already got acquainted with the Labrador Retrievers; however, only five years ago we got the opportunity to purchase and grow the first female named Wiki. She captured all hearts of our family. Consequently, with her appearance our hobby has gradually developed from a simple pleasure into a serious activity, to which we contributed a lot of time. While participating in exhibitions with Wiki, we saw that the results were becoming increasingly happy to us, what motivated us expanding. Therefore, this year our activities has been legalized by the World Canine Organisation ( and we received the status of the Labrador Retriever Breeding Kennel (FCI No / NO -46/17), which was named "Burbonas".
At the present moment, there are three females and one male in our breeding kennel.
The Labrador Retrievers are active temperamental dogs - those who like running, swimming and communicating with the owners a lot. They are very friendly with other dogs, including the small dog breeds, and they will never harm even a cat. They adapt easily to a new environment, are very faithful to the owner and love him/her absolutely. Labrador is a very smart, fast learning and peaceful dog that will never show its aggression or will be extremely shy. Therefore, this dog is great for families with small children. These dogs can live both indoors and in open-air cages. Our dogs live in the heated open-air cages, not alone, but altogether. When being outside all the time, even in winter, they get very nice, thick coat. While participating in exhibitions that are organised during the cold season, our dogs get a lot of comments from the surrounding people concerning the distinctness of their coat, which is also evaluated by the judges.
Photo beneath: from the left Geisha 2,5 years-old - in the photo the 50th day of pregnancy, Uodas - 5 years-old, Wiki - 4,5 years-old.
Šiuo metu mūsų veislyne gyvena penkios kalytės ir du patinai.
Labradoro retriveriai yra judrūs temperamentingi šunys - mėgstantys daug bėgioti, plaukioti ir bendrauti su šeimininku. Jie puikiai sutaria su kitais šunimis, įskaitant ir mažųjų veislių šuniukus, niekada nenuskriaus net katino. Lengvai prisitaiko naujoje aplinkoje, yra atsidavę šeimininkui ir labai jį mylintys. Labradoras - labai protingas ir greitai besimokantis, taikus šuo, kuris niekada nerodo agresijos ar pernelyg didelio drovumo, tad puikiai tinka šeimynoms su mažais vaikais. Šie šunys gali gyventi tiek patalpose, tiek lauko voljeruose. Pas mus jie apgyvendinti apšiltintose būdose lauke, ne po vieną, o kartu vieni su kitais. Nuolat, net ir žiemą, būdami lauke, jie įgauna labai gražų, tankų kailį. Šaltuoju metu pasirodydami parodose gauname daug pastebėjimų iš aplinkinių apie jų kailio išskirtinumą, į ką atkreipia dėmesį ne tik dalyviai, bet įvertina ir teisėjai.
Foto apačioje iš kairės Geisha 2,5 metai- nuotraukoje 50-ta nėštumo diena, Uodas -5 metai, Wiki -4,5 metai.
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We have already got acquainted with the Labrador Retrievers; however, only five years ago we got the opportunity to purchase and grow the first female named Wiki. She captured all hearts of our family. Consequently, with her appearance our hobby has gradually developed from a simple pleasure into a serious activity, to which we contributed a lot of time. While participating in exhibitions with Wiki, we saw that the results were becoming increasingly happy to us, what motivated us expanding. Therefore, this year our activities has been legalized by the World Canine Organisation ( and we received the status of the Labrador Retriever Breeding Kennel (FCI No / NO -46/17), which was named "Burbonas".
At the present moment, there are three females and one male in our breeding kennel.
The Labrador Retrievers are active temperamental dogs - those who like running, swimming and communicating with the owners a lot. They are very friendly with other dogs, including the small dog breeds, and they will never harm even a cat. They adapt easily to a new environment, are very faithful to the owner and love him/her absolutely. Labrador is a very smart, fast learning and peaceful dog that will never show its aggression or will be extremely shy. Therefore, this dog is great for families with small children. These dogs can live both indoors and in open-air cages. Our dogs live in the heated open-air cages, not alone, but altogether. When being outside all the time, even in winter, they get very nice, thick coat. While participating in exhibitions that are organised during the cold season, our dogs get a lot of comments from the surrounding people concerning the distinctness of their coat, which is also evaluated by the judges.
Photo beneath: from the left Geisha 2,5 years-old - in the photo the 50th day of pregnancy, Uodas - 5 years-old, Wiki - 4,5 years-old.